Plain Jane Sponsored Small Steps Project Valentine’s Party

On Valentine’s Day, Plain Jane Events sponsored our first live event of 2021.
We are super proud to have sponsored a party run by the wonderful Small Steps Project, at the children’s garden playground located between the slums and the dumpsite in Ngong, Kenya.
The party was a celebration of love on Valentine’s day for the Small Steps Project’s campaign #liveinlovenotlandfill and also the launch of their new nursery. It was initlaly for children under the age of 10 (although I think a few older ones attended too!)
There was music, dancing, fresh food being cooked, a BBQ, face painting, games, pink heart-shaped cakes and just general partying galore.
Plain Jane Events bought a sound system for the centre so that can continue playing music and games, and also some multicoloured floor play mats so that the children have something soft to play on. Things that seem like no brainers for families to have in the UK but absolute treasures to the children in Ngong!
How do they stay safe?
We must remember that these children live in the slums right next to the dumpsites, where their parents work. Before this project, the children would play on the dumpsites too.
They don’t have a house to go home to and they don’t have ‘bubbles’ like we do here - they’re all in a bubble together. But Small Steps Project have created a clean, safe zone with all the security stages in place to ensure the children keep as safe as possible:
Safety Stage 1:
The children have their temperatures taken at the gate and if all is well, go through to the quaratine zone.
Safety Stage 2:
To enter the playground, the children must wear a mask (if they do not have one, then the Small Steps Project team will provide one for them. They’re also asked to register their names, ages and how their health is.
Safety Stage 3:
Finally, the children will wash their hands & sanitize
Now they can play safely!
A note from Amy Hanson; founder of the Small Steps Project:
‘We fed over 250 kids; that’s basically all the children from the dumps and surrounding slums. Lots of mum’s volunteered and everyone made wonderful food: bbq chicken, veg stew, rice and pilau with mutton. The kids hardly ever eat meat so it was a huge deal for them. Then we had pink heart shaped cakes which they totally lost their shit over. We also had singing and dancing and face painting and drawing. It was probably the best party I’ve been to in years. Everyone was so happy and laughing and celebrating. A proper magical experience on a landfill site. Thanks to Plain Jane Events.’